
Mr. Goemon Online

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>:o Big picture!! Shimatta!!

Here we go!

Welcome to my attempt at making a goemon website! Goemon! hehehe the most "mystical" ninja out there. Here in the U.S. you'll be lucky if anyone remembers him. However, go to Japan and you'll see Goemon has spawned over 20 games! (23 I think) He's on every system it seems...well not every system...you'll find goemon on nintendo, SNES, gameboy, gameboy color, Nintendo 64, Playstation, Gameboy Advance, Playstation 2, and yes, even arcade! Other than his N64 games and a few SNES, I believe, you won't find anything else goemon. Of coarse, outside gaming industry, Goemon has also been brought into manga and even anime. My goal is to provide the most information I can about Goemon, because I just can't get enough of that ninja!


It seems I have more space to write...If I only I had more to say....hmmmm...I know!! hehehe. . . Oh what was it? OH! yeah, that's right, hehehee...ahem.. GO FOR IT!! GOEMON!!!!!


Nah, that's it... I won't make you read any more of my incoherent writing...why don't check out the rest of the site? This is only the "index" page you know...Sorry, you can do whatever you want...now that we got that cleared up :) You still reading? hehehe Didn't mean to trick you. I have nothing more to say. If you want my advice...you should of stopped reading when I first started talking..I mean writing...but HEY that's what I would of done. hehehe, wow this is funner than I thought. Well, that's it, i'm gonna shut up now....